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about us

our story

In the late 90s, the world was changing fast. All of a sudden everything was dot com and startup culture. The Cold War was over, music was alternative, capitalism was booming and we were all in danger of drowning in free AOL start disks.

Brothers Rob and Lewis Case decided this might be a great time to open a small shop and claim their share of the endless riches that awaited the American entrepreneur.


This did not turn out to be the path to wealth, but hey we are still here more than 20 years later. Over this time we've become part of the Dallas music community and have gotten to see many young students mature into grownup musicians.


Our shop isn't big and shiny, but we have a lot of neat stuff. You should come check it out next time you're in the area.



The Covid Pandemic and Zombie problem have restricted us to opening the shop only by appointment. It is easy though, just call. We are usually not far away.
(972) 458-2980


How to find us

We're located at
7989 Beltline Rd. Suite 136
Dallas, Texas 75248


Our shop is in the shopping center's courtyard, hidden behind a tree. Two doors down from the infamous scofflaw beauty salon.  Along with our failure to advertise and poor understanding of how Google works, this tree is one reason we are the best-kept secret in Dallas. Look for the green neon fiddle above our door. If you can't find us, give us a call
(972) 458-2980

Which one's which and what we do:



Rob is the wizard of violin restoration and repair. He also offers lessons for violin and guitar.


He's a darn good singer/songwriter. Find out more about where he's playing here on the Facebook.





Lewis is the man behind the glass giving lessons all day. He is a versatile working musician and quite possibly the best violin teacher on planet Earth.

Note: While it is friendly to let Lewis know about schedule changes it will have no actual effect on our calendar unless you also

tell Alayna.



Lynda didn't set out to be an entrepreneur. It was a surprise. She and Alayna are the only ones who really know what is going on so if you get an answer from anyone else about the schedule it is wise to verify it with them.

She can often remember things that have not happened yet.



Alayna has the impossible task of managing Rob and Lewis. We don't know how she does it, seriously. She's also a fantastic cello teacher, if violins aren't big enough for you.


Please ask her to sell something to you. It will make her day.



Fiddle and Bow Music Company  *  7989 Beltline Rd. Suite 136, Dallas, Texas 75248  *  (972) 458-2980
Copyright 1998-2019, all rights reserved.

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